The might just be the best (or worst?) dad joke one-liners you’ll ever see — real estate related or not. Whether you’re being subjected to this type of humor on a daily basis, or remembering them with nostalgia, these real estate jokes are sure to make you let out an exasperated sigh.
And to the dads reading this, you’re welcome! You can’t go wrong with a nice, healthy list of clean real estate dad jokes to add to your repertoire when it’s time to embarrass your kids.
1. I’m always excited to tell stories!

2. Just remember it’s one month closer to financial freedom.

3. I’ve got lots of ‘lots’ to show you!

4. Sometimes a bowl of ice cream comes first.

5. That’s just math.

6. Quick! Get the camera!

7. Everyone’s a critic. That’s why you buy a home and do whatever you want.

8. The average MLS listing will sell within 96.5% of asking price.

9. This is fact. And you will argue the grass mohawk for decades.

10. The bank’s representative would be HAPPY to talk to you. *Do Not Try This*

11. Some people like the country life.

12. Deferred maintenance may still be better than bad maintenance.

13. The irony isn’t lost on me here.

14. And if your escrow is short it’s a gosh darn payment.

15. Now this might be the worst of the terrible real estate jokes

16. The handyman, the handyman, the handyman specialllll!

17. And now with digital backups, even a neutron bomb couldn’t get rid of a mortgage.

There you go! 17 real estate jokes that are sure to please! Even if it’s your friends and kids saying “please stop.” It’s also a little snippet into what I bring to the table. If this is exactly the type of agent you’re looking for, then fill out my contact page so we can start talking!